Annual Servant’s Report to the Order

Peace and Good to Each and All.603ea_ash_wednesday_ashes_and_palm_branches_palm-fire

Lenten blessings….

In our proposed revised Statutes, Article V. A. 1.b.ii. reads:

“Annual Discernment on Community Life and Witness:

At any time, but especially during Lent, members of the Order are asked

to prayerfully reflect upon the Life and Witness of our Order.

Each member is invited to share these reflections with the Council.

Taking these reflections into consideration, the Council will prepare

a report on the same which will be presented annually at Chapter

with copies sent to the membership.”

Embracing the wisdom of this proposal, we, your servants, offer the following “snapshot” on the life and witness of our Order. Some details are clear and evident. Others are blurry or missing altogether. To us, it feels to be a good “general overview”. We offer it as fodder for further prayer, reflection and conversation. Reflections may be shared and conversations may continue in regional gatherings, on our website, or at any time in any way between any two or more.

Our prayer is that we will each take the time to pray, reflect, share, and listen deeply for God’s stirrings among us, — that we be alert to brightening Light directing and illuminating our path(s), — that, as individuals and as an Order, we be humble and true, and faithful to our calling(s).

In Christ’s Love and Enduring Hope,  OEF Servant Team

Lenten Season, 2016

Servant Team report to Chapter 2016

About John Michael

Pastor, teacher, partner, dog walker, gardener, conservationist, contemplative, hiker. Currently serving as a Formation Coordinator for OEF and Dean of VT/NY conference of Lutheran Synod.

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