Br. Rat’s October Rule Report

IMG_0851O woe is me. My trials continue. Helen’s mother came to stay and she took exception to my good looks so I was banished to Helen’s bedroom. The down side of that was that I was present at Morning Prayer for a whole week. No way of escape!

Not long after Helen’’s mother left a grandson came to stay- the seven year old I had met in Carterton. He and Helen visited an exhibition about Gallipoli – a battle in World War 1 which the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps lost to the Turks. When they got home, Elias set up the battle scene on the lounge floor. Good, I thought some fun at last. But then he put me in charge of the ANZAC force and Big Bear in charge of the Turks. Putting ME on the losing side, whatever next?

I am so not suited to community living. Has anyone got a nice quiet closet for me for next year?

About John Michael

Pastor, teacher, partner, dog walker, gardener, conservationist, contemplative, hiker. Currently serving as a Formation Coordinator for OEF and Dean of VT/NY conference of Lutheran Synod.

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