From the Co-Ministers

Peace and Good to Each and All,

I, Shoshanah, am humbled by your vote of support. As promised, I have appointed Juniper as Co-minister. Together we write. As your new Co-ministers, we immediately stumble upon a challenge, even in the writing of this brief message: How do we write honestly as “we” instead of the all-to-familiar “I”?

Which begs also the question: How are we — all of us — to be “we” as this Order? May we begin by praying one for another. Then, may we continue by praying one for another. Listening ever closely for what is ours to do. As Interim Minister, Dale has invited the two of us to join the current Servant Team. We have accepted, considering this service a trust and an act of faith. We would now like to share a few preliminary thoughts on how we plan to divide our work as Co-ministers:

Shoshanah will be taking the lead in chairing the Servant Team monthly meetings, and in collaboration and preparation for Chapter 2015.

Juniper will be taking the lead in making individual contact with professed members. We are hoping to speak directly with each professed member within the next few weeks to hear your views on our Order, and also what you need from your ministers. Know that our “doors are open and our lights are on”.

Shoshanah will take the lead on representing the OEF to the wider Franciscan Family, seeking assistance as needed in representation to the various gatherings.

Over the past year, along with Michael Vosler, Anne Nancy, Lorraine, Carlo and Bruce James, we two have been serving on the Statutes Review Committee. The committee’s work is now complete. Within the next few weeks, we expect to circulate the proposed revision which is a significant reformulation of the order’s governance. In response, we are looking forward to an active exchange with members of the Order. It will be further discussed at our 2015 Chapter in July in St. Louis, with implementation according to the discernment at Chapter.

We are excited to be serving/ministering among you as we in the Order of Ecumenical Franciscans work to fulfill the Crucified’s charge to Brother Francis to ” Rebuild My Church”.

A blessed and renewing Christmas to each and all as our Jesus comes to us in humble hopeful vulnerability.

May we follow his Light,

~ Shoshanah and Juniper, Co-ministers

About John Michael

Pastor, teacher, partner, dog walker, gardener, conservationist, contemplative, hiker. Currently serving as a Formation Coordinator for OEF and Dean of VT/NY conference of Lutheran Synod.

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