From the Interim Minister General

Grace and peace. We are grateful for all God has done for us through the five humble and blessed professed members who accepted nomination to Minister General. Their five ‘testimonials’ of faith, spiritual journey, hopes and prayers for OEF; were a witness and encouragement to us all. Gracias. Gracias. Gracias.

Shoshanah and John Juniper; welcome and God’s blessings on your willingness to serve as Co-Ministers of OEF and lead us by example into a new paradigm of decision making. Shoshanah and John Juniper have already been invited into the Servant Team and participated in the Servant Team’s monthly Conference Calls. I have asked them to take leadership, with the Servant team, in setting the dates and agenda for January and February meetings, as Ken (my husband) and I will be moving 100 miles east to Steele, North Dakota in January. I am willing to re-join the Servant Team meetings in March, in a supportive role to our new Co-Ministers.

Often, I reflect on a comment attributed to Francis of Assisi, “I have done what was mine to do; may Christ teach you what you are to do.” Again, as a unique Franciscan order, we join our hearts in discerning and practicing what we are to do, for the sake of all of God’s creation.

Peace and Joy in Franciscan community,

Dale Carmen OEF

About John Michael

Pastor, teacher, partner, dog walker, gardener, conservationist, contemplative, hiker. Currently serving as a Formation Coordinator for OEF and Dean of VT/NY conference of Lutheran Synod.

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